УДК 633.822: 577.19
DOI: 10.25684/NBG.scbook.146.2018.22


Оксана Анатольевна Гребенникова, Анфиса Евгеньевна Палий, Валерий Дмитриевич Работягов

Никитский ботанический сад – Национальный научный центр РАН
298648, Республика Крым, г.Ялта, пгт Никита
E-mail: oksanagrebennikova@yandex.ru

В статье приведены данные о качественном и количественном составе биологически активных веществ (летучих соединений, фенольных веществ, витаминов) водно-этанольного экстракта мяты длиннолистной из коллекции НБС–ННЦ. Экстракт содержит летучие соединения, доминирующими из которых являются ментон, изоментон, транс-сабиненгидрат и 1,8-цинеол, гидроксикоричные кислоты с преобладанием розмариновой кислоты, гликозиды лютеолина, аскорбиновую кислоту и каротиноиды.

Ключевые слова: мята длиннолистная (Mentha longifolia L.); водно-этанольный экстракт; летучие соединения; фенольные вещества; витамины.


Grebennikova O.A., Paliy A.E., Rabotiagov V.D. Biologically active substances of Mentha longifolia L. // Woks of the State Nikit. Botan. Gard. – 2018. – Vol. 146.  – P. 146 – 152.

The data about qualitative and quantitative composition of biologically active substances (volatile compounds, phenolic substances, vitamins) in water-ethanolic extract of Mentha longifolia L. have been given in the paper.

Concentration of volatile compounds in the water-ethanolic extract of horse mint was 974.6 mg/100 g. Using the gas chromatography method the component composition of volatile compounds in the extract was discovered. 20 components have been determined in the extract, 17 — have been identified. The most characteristic volatile compounds for water-ethanolic extract of horse mint specimen were monoterpenes, monoterpene ketones and alcohols. It has been discovered that the main volatile components of extract were menthone (53.2%), isomenthone (27.7%), trans-sabinengidrat (8.2%) and 1,8-cineole (6.2%), whereas the concentration of each of the remaining components does not exceed 1%.

The content of phenolic substances in the water-ethanolic extract of horse mint was 3003.3 mg/100 g. Using the high performance liquid chromatography method the component composition of phenolic substances in the extract has been defined. 13 components have been determined in the extract. The extract contains caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid isomers, rosmarinic acid and luteolin glycosides. Among the phenolic substances of horse mint extract rosmarinic acid (50.2%) dominates.

The content of ascorbic acid in the test extract was 13.78 mg/100 g and content of carotenoids — 2.34 mg/100 g. Based on retrieved data the conclusion about possibility of use this extract to different types of products with high biological value has been made.

Keywords: horse mint; water-ethanolic extract; volatile compounds; phenolic substances; vitamins.